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The story of Fell on Black Days

This guitar composer who rarely sing explained why it was so important for him to do this cover :

« Fell on Black Days written in '94 by Chris Cornell is for me the reflection of dark days that we can spend in our lifetime.

His suicide last may stirred me a lot during my preparation for a tour in Quebec and the United States.

The first concert of the tour was at the World Guitar Festival (FGMAT) in Quebec. Symbolically, this concert was very emotionnal for me, because three years ago, it was the precise place where my depression began. It was the percect timing to face and close this loop of my life.

During this closing process, Chris Cornell's act made me plunge back until my teenage years.

In the 1990s, the end of generation X and early Y in search of identity raged against a system.

Several sinked into depression and suicide cause among other things to an over consumption of alcohol and drugs. It was the same desperation that our heroes of this time established in Seattle (and elsewhere) also lived and passed on in their songs .. The grunge of Seattle was a style to which we identify as teenagers very much at that time.

When I was 15 years old, the first wave of suicide arrived in my town and more than a dozen people near or far me took their life between 91 and 95 ... Yes it is enormous for a small town of 35 000 people ... And with the aboriginal communities around, Quebec had the sad pole position of suicide on the planet .. A very sad podium ..

I consider myself lucky to have survived this period and many have gone through it as well. Unfortunately many continued to leave us several years after and still today ..

<< As if we all had consumed a particular substance between 91-95 from the west coast to the east coast that has germinated the seed of « the great evil » ... >>

Today I can say that I have fought back in recent years.

I was well surrounded, allowing me to exchange pills against trips around the world with nevertheless my depression housed in my suitcases. It took a lot of time and I learned a lot about myself.

It ended with an album that I am proud of, met wonderful people who made me grow and to whom I owe a lot today. I will never thank them enough.

For the rest of my tour, I traveled to Arkansas. Interpreting Fell on Black Days again at the end of my concert, my label FretMonkey Records offered to record it in the studio.

This tribute is to Chris Cornell, but especially to our missing and those who are fighting against depression today.

I greatly hope that you will appreciate this imperfect, but full of truth version of the song.

I want to thank Kevin Blake Goodwin, Alicia Cotabish and Denis Cotabish of FretMonkey Records for their valuable support.

Thank you and good listening »

Justin St-Pierre created a bewitching version of the song, much softer than the original of Soundgarden. His amazing voice reflects well all the emotions contained in it.

This might be conducting to a full album cover project named « Black Days » between the artist and his label, beginning 2018.

Keep in touch !

To stay current on all things Justin St-Pierre be sure to follow him on Facebook and his official site.

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